IT Supporting
Web Hosting
IT Support Service
We offer provides first-class IT services that are matched to meet the specific needs of your business, so you can enjoy the advantages of technology without the stress it often creates.
Hong Kong based businesses have a particularly strong need to stay connected, both to each other and to the outside world. High-end international trade platforms and forms of communication, including share trading, teleconferencing, ecommerce and more, require databases to be online, internet connections to be 100%, and PCs or workstations to be functioning at 100%. With the help of an expert desktop support engineer, you can ensure that you make the most of your important IT infrastructure investments.
Web Hosting Plan
Both Linux and Windows have proven to be a powerful basis for creating large websites. Each operating system offers all the basic functions required to run your website. In principle, numerous open source applications are available in order to get the best of Linux and certain features like MyWebsite or the Click & Build app are only available to Linux web hosting users. Linux is also particularly suitable for PHP, Perl or MySQL.
Our top PHP features – including several stable versions, extended support, and OpCache – are currently only available in the IONOS Linux packages. Additionally, you can also use Linux web hosting if you have a Windows operating system already installed on your home computer or laptop. External servers and your end devices can all be connected easily to one another.
Why choose HKMR?
Custom Built Servers
Managed Hosting
Application Optimised
Security Optimised
Industry Best Solutions